
Cisco ASA NSEL Webcast

Join the Cisco ASA NSEL Webcast and learn about our new NetFlow NSEL (Network Secure Event Logging) reporting capabilities. This webcast will provide details on NSEL reporting as well as information on lowering the risk of C&C bots, Advanced Persistent Threats and other internet hosts with a poor IP host reputation. See several of over a dozen new ASA NSEL Reports:

Cisco ASA Username Event Violations
Cisco ASA Username NSEL Reports

In this Cisco ASA NSEL webcast you will learn about:
• Top usernames being denied network connections
• The events being violated the most and by whom
• The usernames of the IP addresses passing through the firewall
• NAT (Network Address Translations) who is translated to what?
• How to trend the frequency on all of the demonstrated metrics
• Scaling collection to over 100K flows per second
• How to detect threats with ASA data that the ASA will not detect

Presenters include:
• Michael Patterson, Founder/President, Plixer International
• Matt Jonkman, Founder/Emerging Threats Pro

Companies looking to monitor NSEL should take a minute and sign up now for the Cisco ASA NSEL Training and learn what you can gain by reporting on NSEL.