
What is Deep Network Observability?

Network Observability is the ability to collect, analyze, and activate network data. With network observability, you can easily answer questions about your network. Deep...

Using MITRE ATT&CK® with the Plixer Platform

Any security analyst will tell you that the most challenging part of the job is knowing what to respond to. There is no shortage...

River Delta

Adding Endpoint Analytics to Flow Data

When we think about the world of Network Flow data, we usually think within Layers 3, 4, and 5. Typically IP addresses are as...

padlock securing a door

The importance of encrypted traffic analytics to your network security posture

Data security is a critical aspect of any organization’s IT infrastructure. With the explosion of cyber threats, it has become ever-important to ensure that...

Night Sky

3 Factors When Considering a Network Detection and Response Platform

It’s a cliche at this point to discuss the “ever-evolving threat landscape”. Cliché or not, the fact remains that attackers continue to become more...

View of space beyond treelined

3 cybersecurity trends you should pay attention to

How prepared for an attack are you? The most recent Microsoft Defence Report found volume of password attacks has risen to an estimated 921...

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DNS filtering in the Plixer platform

At its core, DNS is what makes the internet work. Without it, everyone would need to remember the IP address of every website they...

Preparing for the next threat

It’s safe to say organizations have had their fair share of cyber attacks this past year—from threats discovered early last year with VMware (CVE-2021-21985 and CVE-2021-21972), which...

When EDR isn’t enough, be glad you have NDR

When tools that were created to help security teams simulate attacks are used by the attackers, you know there’s a problem. But that’s exactly what’s happened...

The importance of network device discovery

Market research consulting firm Frost & Sullivan’s recent analysis found that enterprises were becoming more vulnerable to cyberattacks due to an expanded attack surface increase by...