All Network Security and Incident Response

5 Reasons Service Providers Choose Scrutinizer

As a technical support engineer, I have worked with hundreds of customers across the globe. I typically ask them why they choose Scrutinizer as...


WatchGuard NetFlow Configuration

“Does my WatchGuard firewall support NetFlow?” Customers who have WatchGuard firewalls have asked me this question many times over the years. The answer is...

Use Your Surveillance Cameras to Investigate Malware

If you suspect a malware breach and want to investigate the history of a specific host, how do you do it? For most of us, the...

Tracking Network Traffic in Real-Time Data Granularity

I talk to customers daily about forensic data granularity as it relates to collecting and reporting on NetFlow exports. I am often asked about...

Cyberoam NetFlow Configuration

One of the cool things about my position as a Solution Engineer, is that I often work with customers who show me NetFlow configuration...

Barracuda IPFIX Configuration

The Barracuda IPFIX configuration is very easy, and the subsequent flow exports offer network administrators enhanced visibility into the traffic moving in and out...